Monday, July 16, 2012

Parmesan Cheese Crackers

I purchased a nice little cracker recently that we really enjoyed, but at $7.00 for 18 crisps I am hesitant to buy them again. So a little experimenting at home and a new addiction was born.
Preheat oven to 375 F.
1 cup fresh shredded Parmesan cheese ( I used a bag from TJs)
1 teaspoon dried Italian seasoning
Combine cheese and seasoning and place about a tablespoon on a sil pat (silicone lined baking sheet) and bake for 5-7 minutes, until lightly browned and bubbly. Remove and place crackers on a plate to cool (or paper towel to take off some oil)

These little crackers would be a great addition along side soup or salad or broken up and used as a crouton on Caesar salad. I made some with sprinkled smoked paprika on top and it was great as a dipper for hummus. They can also be used as a base for canapes.

Note: When these are taken out of the oven and still warm, they are pliable. If put over the handle of a wooden spoon or dowel, they form a taco shell shape that could be stuffed with Caesar salad (cute little bite size party idea).
-Warm and draped over small, upside down, muffin tin they make a little cup to hold a filling.
-Made larger and draped over the bottom of a salad bowl, allow to cool and you have created the base to hold a salad.
-The seasonings can be added or omitted to compliment what they are served with.

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